Rabu, 23 Juli 2008



Name : Jasmansyah, Call name: Jasman. Place and Date of Birth: Lombok, 01-01-1977, Address: Perum Griya Mangkalaya, Blok 2-C/14 Cisaat Sukabumi Jawa Barat. email : jasman-faiz@plasa.com, www.jasmansyah-faiz.blogspot.com CP. 081572765478, 0266-7103574, 7110800. Activities: a Civil Servant (PNS) at a Public Senior High School (SMAN) in Sukabumi West Java (SMAN 1 Sagaranten), an English teacher at Pesantren KH. ABDULLAH SYAFI’IE AS-SYAFI’IYAH Sukabumi Jabar. Moreover, I’m a lecturer at some private universities/institutes, like: STAI Al-Masudiyah Sukabumi, AMIK CBI Sukabumi. I’m also active as General secretary of LSM LP2SD (Lembaga Penelitian & Pengkajian Sumberdaya) Sukabumi. education: SDN 1 Sepit Kec. Keruak Lombok Timur NTB, graduated in 1990. MTs. NW Sepit Kec. Keruak Lotim NTB, graduated in 1993. In 1996 I graduated from MA Muallimin NW Pancor Lotim NTB, religion department. In 2002, I graduated from STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong Lotim NTB, English Department. Now I have one nice wife : NANI NAFISAH (alumni of IPB). on April 22, 2007 Allah SWT give us a smart son. His name is FAIZ MUHAMMAD TSAQIF ALTHAF. Ambition: I want to be a useful person for everyone.


By: Jasmansyah
Submitted to fulfill the FINAL TEST of ICT in LANGUAGE TEACHING
Lecturer: Hartoyo, MA., Ph.D

1. Introduction
The development of science and technology, especially in information communication and technology is very fast. The development of it is applied in teaching activities in order to get a better result. Teaching is not only about paper, white//black board, marker, map, and picture. Teaching is about transferring knowledge to the students. In order to get a good result, the teacher should use the effective teaching aid. A teaching aid is a tool used by teachers, facilitators, or tutors to help learners improve reading and other skills, illustrate or reinforce a skill, fact, or idea, and relieve anxiety, fear, or boredom, since many teaching aids are like games. There are many kind of teaching aids such as : chalkboard or whiteboard, map, overhead projector, computer, charts, calendars, flash chard, posters, slides, flip chart, etc, but the writer believe that the best one among them is a computer.

2. Objective
The goal of this paper is to answer why the computer is the best aid in teaching English. What are the advantages and disadvantages of it and how to overcome the problems?

3. Literature Review
The topic to be discussed in this paper is “THE IMPORTANCE OF MEDIA (COMPUTER) IN TEACHING ENGLISH“. Information technology ( IT ) as defined by the information Technology Association of America ( ITAA ), is study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware. In short, IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information, securely. Computer is a more interactive aid compared with others, such as tape recorder, film projectors, and such common equipment – marker and white board. Hartoyo ( 2005, p. 12 ) quotes Nelson, et al ( 1976 ) states that the unique property of the computer as a medium for education is its ability to interact with the student.` The computer can be a partner for the learner to play educational games with, or, less glamorously. It can be used to generate example, to illustrate certain operations, or to stimulate conversation.( Hartoyo, 2005 ). In addition to above statement, Hartoyo ( 2005, p. 22 ) quotes Ahmad, et al, (1985 ) said : It may communicate with the student visually by displaying text, graphics ( diagrams, graph, line drawings ) or video images on screen; it may also present sound, in the form of speech, music or other audio output.

4. Analysis
The development of information Technology ( IT ) has permeated the application of computers as a teaching aid in the learning process. A computer is used for the sake of facilitating students in learning, such as learning language. There are many advantages of using the computer as a teaching aid in teaching and learning English if we compare with among other ones. They are:
1. It is a more interactive aid compared with others, such as tape recorder, film projectors, and such common equipment – marker and white board;
2. in a particular case, the computer may act as a teacher or tutor, providing material, guiding a student how to learn it, and giving more information and explanations;
3. The computer is also more flexible
Computer is a more interactive aid compared with others, such as tape recorder, film projectors, and such common equipment – marker and white board. Books and recording can tell a student what the rules are and what the right solutions are, but they cannot analyze the specific mistakes the student has made and react in a manner which leads him not only correct solution. Computer is an interactive instruction technique whereby a computer is used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning that take place. By using computer, students and computer can interact each other, and in which the student are given a freedom to choose any topic of information and even, to become a troubles – shooter of their own problems. Being involve in the process of distance education also means for students that they must be active all the time , they forced to do the exercises, comment certain ideas, everybody can and must take his turn, there no bell ringing to end the lesson, time does not run out for written , discussion and others. As an assistive technology, a handicapped individual might use to communicate verbally. Despite the fact that an individual may not be able to speak or write, they can still communicate with the general public and in traditional classroom setting with a computer system that speaks at the touch of a bottom. Without this availability of this kind of technology in the classroom, many physically disabled individuals would not be able to be part of a traditional classroom environment. Beside that teachers can have their students learn by exploring web tasks online.
The computer may act as a teacher or tutor, providing material, guiding a student how to learn it, and giving more information and explanations. As a tutor, it can also be utilized to communicate visually with students. The computer can be a partner for the learner to play educational games with, or, less glamorously. It can be used to generate example, to illustrate certain operations, or to stimulate conversation. Students absent from ordinary classes because of illness, traveling, sport men, pupils educated at home. In almost all of these cases young people cannot be present in the classes, but there can be some connection to the school and their classmates, not only to get the materials from the tutor but also some further explanations, discussions, assignments and others.
In Revelatory grammar computers play a much more relevant role. Here, computers are not only used to give traditional exercises a new format, but they directly help to enhance acquisition by means of many resources they offer and thanks to their motivating power. Not many people object now days to the fact that a novel in paper format will never be replaced by novel displayed on the computer screen. The pleasure of reading comfortably on an armchair, turning pages quietly forwards to check some idea previously read- is not one that can be equally attained through a screen . Maybe this preference for the printed page is a matter of habit, and it is quite probable that the day will arrive when laptop computers, or even more modern artifacts, will become so widespread as to substitute books. With these computers, people will be able to read as comfortably as they choose sitting on a sofa or even lying on the beach, or under the trees at the park. Students also prefer doing intensive reading in the computer rather than in books. Thus, for example, computer activities which involve rebuilding or rearranging texts have proved their value, not to mention the act of reading the instructions that are included in a CD game so that players know what to do in order to be able to play effectively. And even more effective intensive reading in the computer can be when the texts that students face are messages sent by the characters of an interactive computer program. The enormous amount of specific software that has been created for learning English includes the possibility of teaching and training the skill of speaking and listening. The problem is that, rather then being truly interactive, the activities designed for improving listening and speaking are mainly based on drills. Thus, learners have the possibility of enacting dialogues – generally of the question-answer type with characters belonging to the program, but these are indeed closed dialogues; that is, learners cannot ask or answer whatever they want, but they have to limit themselves to predetermined texts. Nevertheless, despite the lack of true/real interaction, this experience has been proved to be highly motivating, since many of the graphic environments that the programs offer turn out to be quite realistic.
Thus, if learners concentrate on the activity, they may feel up to a certain extent just as if they were really speaking to a hostess in the airport, or to a bobby in Market square. Out of the above-mentioned interactive programs, there are many other programs that offer the possibility of listening to English, mainly with an America accent-in the case of the majority of games-or with British accent. These programs include, among others, many encyclopedias and the already mentioned games. In grammar any language item is used to potentate the target language, and this obviously includes, for example, the instructions are written in English, if the programs that have to be installed by the students are the latest version of a game or simply one that they really like. We can imagine the interest that they are going to put in order to quickly understand the instruction for the installation. If the teacher wants to potentate group work, then s/he just will have to arrange groups of students working with the same computer ( it has been advised that no more than three students should work with the same computer ). Soon, the teacher will witness how enthusiastically students collaborate in order to achieve the desired goal.
Many other advantages of computer as a teaching aid is also flexibility for the students so they can work at their own speed, at the time that is best for them. In the case of writing on the computer, that now day the majority of the students – mainly in primary education are used to using a keyboard. So the process of writing is not problem. So teachers can take advantage of enjoyment that the students find in manipulating computers. Writing an essay on paper has not the same attractiveness for them than writing it with a word processor. To this, we have to add the advantages that the word processors attach to writing task. First of all, mistakes can be corrected much more easily. On the other hand, students do not have to give much importance to the order in which they write their ideas, since they can easily change text order, and thus rearrange ideas, as many times as they want. Beside the grammar and spelling correction devices that word processors incorporate can be active whenever teachers consider necessary. This way, students are made aware of the mistakes or errors they have made, and have the possibility of either checking or trying to guess the correct option. With Web-based instruction, they can work at home, at school, or anywhere there is a computer which internet connection used with a distance learning . It allows students with handicaps or learning disabilities the opportunity to learn in a less restrictive environment. Also students who enroll in courses via computer, including web-based which benefit them in many aspect of their life. Computer is programmed so that it adapts to student’s individual needs. It acquires information about the students current knowledge of a subject and his/her goals in learning the subject and then creates a user profile based on his knowledge. It can adjust itself to the individual student. Web-based instruction is unique in that students and/ or instructors can communicate with each other anywhere in the world within second via internet. There are specific activities of distance learning (conferencing, chatting, on line task) that can make the ordinary classes more interesting or give students the opportunity to learn and practice in a different way. Perhaps teacher who are involved in distance education change in ordinary classes a bit ; become tutors, don’t teach so much and explain everything, but guide the students to find the rules and explanation themselves. Besides allowing students and teachers more flexibility as far as time and place are concerned, there are other advantages off distance education when using computers, and internet tools. A great amount of information can be stored , updated, multiplied, transferred very quickly. On the other hand there is also disadvantage teaching English using computer as a teaching aid.
The disadvantage of utilizing computer as teaching aid in teaching English is the need to own or have access to a computer with the necessary RAM and operating system, physical problems such as carpal-tunnel syndrome and eye disorders ( caused by sitting in front of the computer screen for long periods of time without blinking ), prohibitive cost of education software, and the lack of human interaction in the learning process.

5. Summary and Recommendation
Most teachers still rely on, chalk and blackboard. But over the years, more and more technical inventions have shaped the educational aids with teachers surround themselves. Maybe it is high time for teacher too find a place for the computer to make our teaching more effective, emphasizing its ability to interact with the students. My experience as a teacher proved that whatever they live, teacher voice similar doubts, hope, and problems. Teachers are deeply concerned about keeping abreast of the best, most modern methods of teaching, modern aids, etc. I shall try to prove that we can fulfill students’ expectation by using computers as teaching aids and that this can be done even in a countries or villages, where computers are relative rare in the teaching process. The computer can be a partner for the learners to play educational games with, or it can be used to generate examples, to illustrate certain operations, or to stimulate conversation. In computer labs, students tend to form groups of two or three around a single computer, even when there are enough computers available for each student to use one individually. One reason may be that students using computers do not feel that the work they do on the computer is their own private property. They become relaxed about pooling information and seeking help from their friends.
A computer can analyze the specific mistakes the student made and react in a different way from the usual teacher this leads the students not only to self correction. But also to understanding the principles behind correct solution. A computer gives individual attention to the learner and replies immediately to questions or commands. It acts as a tutor and guides the learner towards the correct answer while adapting the material to his/her performance. Another significant benefit obtained from computer is that it can be a very affective and efficient reference book. It can also be utilized to communicate visually with students. “ Acting as a tutor or teacher , providing material, guiding a student how to learn it, and giving more information and explanations. So it is imperative that the computer as a teaching aid be designed well from the start. Computer must bridge different learning styles to be fully effective; therefore, it should offer different types of examples and ways to solve the problems. Instructors and students using and web-based learning must be sure to give frequent feedback. Another approach is to combine the traditional classroom with computer or the internet. Studies have shown that combining technology with the standard classroom approach actually improve student performance ( Christmann 325 ).

Computer Assisted Language Learning http://www.terra.es/personal/ nostat/
Distance Learning And teaching http://www2..arnes.si/-oskksavokl2/distance/html
Hartoyo. ( 2005) Individual differences in Computer-Assisted Language Learning ( CALL )
Journal of Effective Teaching , Vol. 2. No. 2, 1998 PDF Version
K.Stewart,Trudy Using Teching Aids http://www.sil.org/lingualinks/literacy/ImplementAliteracyProgram/Using Teaching Aids.htm
Mirescu.Simona Computer Assisted Instruction In language Teching http://exchange.state.gov/forum/vols/vol35/nol/p53.htm
Richards,Jack.C and Rodgers, Theodore,S. 1989. Approach and Methods in Language Teaching. Combridge University Press. Cambridge.
Webster Encyclopedic Unabridged dictionary of the English Language


By: Jasmansyah
Submitted to fulfill the MID TEST of ICT in LANGUAGE TEACHING
Lecturer: Hartoyo, MA., Ph.D

Learning is a social activity. It requires many activities and it involves not only students and a teacher but also students and other students or even the students and educational media. Language learning can be done without being accompanied by a real teacher. A computer can act as if it is a teacher. Many teachers conduct teaching learning process through a computer as a medium. Computer can be a good medium to help the students learn English in an easier and interesting way. Through a computer, students can learn more than the language itself, they will be given a chance to know more about the language; here, I try to discuss the use of computer in teaching English. Of course, there are some advantages and disadvantages of utilizing computer in language learning process.
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) relates to the use of computers for language teaching and learning. CALL offers many advantages for both teachers and students in learning language. First, computers can provide instructions, feed-back, and testing in grammar, vocabulary, writing, pronunciation, and other dimensions of language and culture learning. In this case, the teacher will only be a facilitator. He or she has been much helped by a computer. The teacher can easily control the activities of learning being done by his students. The programs that are installed and connected to the server will be easily controlled by a teacher. Not only that, a computer can also provide reading access to written audio and visual materials relate to the language and culture being studied by students. CALL also offers freedom for users to choose any topics of information available within the package (Hartoyo, 2006:27). A study conducted by Amstrong (2003) shows that learning achievement can be increased up to 50 percent when a teaching learning process utilizes CALL. Second, because of CALL’s flexibility of time, it can allow the students to determine what particular topics and how long they want to learn. Hence, students who miss the class because of some reasons, for instance illness, still have an opportunity to learn the particular topic taught in the classroom because the programs are available in the CALL program (Hartoyo, 2006:30). It can stimulate an individual interactive learning program, so both ‘fast and slow’ learners can take the benefit from it. The third, CALL can give a new role to teaching materials. Out of the content of CALL, teaching materials are really passive. Although the students said or did could influence in any deep sense the linear progression of the contents in CALL, materials adapt themselves to the requirements of the individual students; that is they become interactive (Peter, 1993:5).
Despite the fact that there are some advantages of utilizing computers in language learning, there are also a bit of disadvantages of CALL. The CALL program is considered to be much less handy. It is much different from traditional books that are small enough to be carried around and studied wherever and whenever students wish, on a train, on a bus, at home, in the middle of the night, or in a dentist’s waiting room (Anzel et al, 1992). Furthermore, at current time most of students do not possess their own computer at home; therefore, they just used computers available in their schools in which the opening hours are very restricted. Working long hours with computers also can make students’ eyes strain and tiring. It may, sometimes, account for the eye irritation and pain. CALL sometimes decreases the interaction among students or what we call the social aspect of schooling. It can not promote physical activities. Besides that, CALL is costly enough for the programmers or teachers. A lot of funds have to be provided to buy some equipments, design programs, and for its maintenance. The school with limited budget will find some obstacles in funding the CALL program. To create a program of CALL must have at least forty computers for one class capacity. Of course, lots of money needed for building computer laboratory. A lot of money is also needed to train teachers, especially English teachers, since there are only a few of English teachers who can operate computers as well as its new software.
In conclusion, the use of computers in language learning has so many advantages that we as English teachers must utilize it in a real teaching learning process to maximize students’ language potentiality. Talking about its weaknesses, we, as teachers, must inform to stake holders about the urgency of utilizing CALL in teaching learning process since most of the weaknesses come from the financial point. A school can train some English teachers to be able to operate computer as long as there is enough budget to do the program.

Anzel, Betina and A.H. Jucker. (1992). Learning Linguistics with Computers: in
Individual Differences in CALL by Hartoyo, 2: 31.
Amstrong, Thomas. (2003). Setiap Anak Cerdas: Panduan Membantu Anak Belajar
dengan Memanfaatkan Multiple Intellegence, Terjemahan Rina Buntaran.
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Hartoyo. (2006). Individual Differences in Computer Assisted Language Learning
(CALL). Semarang: Universitas Negeri Semarang Press.
Peter, Scrimshaw. (1993). Language, Classroom, and Computers. London: British
Library Cataloguing in Data Publication.


By Jasmansyah

In the last few years, IT (Information and Technology) had influenced in whole aspect of human life. It influenced the education field too. Further, the implementation of IT in education is the developing of many kinds of media in teaching and learning activity. Many programs had been offered to the teacher for helping them along the teaching and learning process.
However, not the entire program that had been offered is appropriate in applying in the class. Sometimes, it needs many adjustments. So, in this paper, the writer will explain the strengths and weaknesses for each program in order to discover the best program for teaching and learning activity.

a. The Strengths:
1. This program is interesting because the students can sing together. It happens because the song was completed by the text.
2. It can diminish the boringness along the teaching learning activities
3. It can melt the frozen situation between teacher and student
4. It is not only fun but also the students get some vocabularies from the song indirectly.
5. They can learn new concept (structure and vocabularies) unconsciously
6. It is easy to remember because of fun
7. It can drill the students’ pronunciation unconsciously.

b. The weaknesses:
1. It will be boring if the song was played more than three times;
2. Sometimes, not all the songs are using a good structure and vocabularies. So, the teacher should be careful in choosing the good song;
3. It is rather difficult to adjust between the materials that had learned in class with the song. Sometimes, not only the material but the meaning of the song should be more paid attention by the teacher.

a. The Strengths:
1. This program is interesting, simple and easy to operate;
2. It gives a good example by using the illustration of the native speaker;
3. There is a students’ record so it gives a chance to the students to measure their ability in speaking;
4. It gives the differentiations of two cultures (British and American style), so it will enrich the students’ language. It happens because of various style of language;
5. It is a good media for teaching speaking;
6. This program is good in designing the material because it uses the contextualized situation;

b. The weaknesses:
1. It is less written instruction so at the first time, it will make the users confuse to use it;
2. It makes the students confuse because of the using of two styles of languages;
a. The Strengths:
1. By using this program, the students will be asked to learn by playing. This program is using the concept learning by playing indirectly;
2. The program is using the good steps in giving material because it is started with the example, speaking practice then the follow up giving the games;
3. Interesting, full of color, simple to use;
4. Good in organizing material because based on one topic

b. The weaknesses:
1. Too focus on speaking meanwhile the topic of CD is about learning English;
2. There is no written instruction;
3. It is too fast in speaking practice so it does not give a chance to repeat;
4. It is better to include four skills in that CD not only for speaking and listening nut also for reading and writing;
5. It is too much game, so it will be afraid if the students directly to play games rather than learn the material first.
a. The Strengths:
1. This CD was completed with the syllabus of teaching so it will make the teacher and learner easier in searching the appropriate material;
2. This program is created to measure four skills in language – listening, speaking, reading and writing;
3. The program is interesting and stimulating the learner to try it. It happens because the program was arranged per topic;
4. The program is good in giving the feed-back or reward to the students who give the right answer.

b. The weaknesses:
1. It will easy for students to guess the right answer because the program was set up by giving many changes to the students in picking up the right answer;
2. In the end of program, there is no total score for each competence;
3. It is rather complicated to run this program;
4. The program does not appropriate for using in a big class. It can be used if only the students have their own personal computer

In teaching English as foreign language, media is an important role in achieve a target of teaching English for learners. The availability of CD programs in English learning, will bring new atmosphere in the process of learning, and will make the learning process become more useful, fun, and attractive. By using media (for example: CD program) will gives big chance for the students to practice and also knowledge about all of the competence in English includes listening, speaking, reading and writing in many types of test. It also gives reinforcement and reward for the students who give the right answer. Dealing with some CD programs in teaching and learning English, they have some advantages and also weaknesses. The advantages and the weaknesses of four CD programs that had been discussed before, could be seen as a field to learn and improve it become better and better, by creating new programs that help students in learning English.

Kamis, 17 Juli 2008



Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

Tiga hari yang lalu saya menelpon Tuan Guru Bajang –panggilan akrab untuk Saudara Zainul Majdi— anggota DPR-RI dari PBB yang IMG_3781kami calonkan menjadi Gubernur Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Dia maju bersama calon wakilnya Badrul Munir — seorang birokrat daerah — yang didukung Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS). “Bagaimana keadaannya Tuan Guru” kata saya. Beliau menjawab “Alhamdulillah Bang, berkat doa dan bantuan Abang, sampai saat ini suara yang mendukung telah mencapai 36 persen”. Tuan Guru tak ingin mengatakan bahwa dia telah memenangkan pemilihan Gubernur NTB. Kata-katanya halus seperti itu, karena pembawaannya yang memang rendah hati dan bersahaja.

Tuan Guru adalah sebutan di kalangan masyarakat Sasak di Pulau Lombok untuk seorang ulama. Kira-kira sama seperti Kiyai di Jawa atau Buya di Sumatera Barat. Bajang adalah sebutan bagi seorang yang masih tergolong muda usianya. Jadi, Zainul Majdi dipanggil Tuan Guru Bajang karena dia sudah dianggap sebagai seorang ulama dalam usia yang masih muda. Usianya kini baru 36 tahun. Dia mendapat gelar sarjana dan master dari Universitas Al Azhar di Kairo dan sekarang sedang sedang menyusun disertasi untuk meraih gelar Doktor. Kalau Tuan Guru Bajang nanti telah disahkan oleh Presiden menjadi Gubernur NTB, maka praktis dia akan menjadi gubernur termuda di tanah air. Saya senang dengan Tuan Guru, karena kepribadiannya yang bersahaja itu. Dia mengenakan pakaian seadanya. Seringkali saya bertemu dengannya hanya memakai jubah putih atau memakai kain sarung belaka dan hanya memakai sendal sederhana.

Di tahun 2004 saya berbicara serius dengan Tuan Guru agar dia bersedia menjadi anggota DPR RI mewakili NTB. Alhamdulillah Tuan Guru bersedia. Dua tahun yang lalu, Tuan Guru ngobrol dengan sayaIMG_3771 mengenai kepemimpinan daerah di NTB. Tuan Guru bercerita, ada yang menawarinya menjadi Wakil Gubernur. Saya katakan padanya, mengapa bukan Tuan Guru sendiri yang maju ke pencalonan gubernur? Tuan Guru hanya tertawa dan mengatakan “saya kurang pengalaman Bang”. Saya katakan “pengalaman bisa dicari. Ilmu bisa didapatkan. Kami semua akan membantu Tuan Guru”. Lalu dia berkata “wah, kalau begitu saya perlu minta fatwa Ketua Majelis Syuro”. Saya katakan, karena saya Ketua Majelis Syuro itu, maka fatwanya saya keluarkan sekarang, Tuan Guru maju saja ke pencalonan. Kami akan dukung beramai-ramai”. Tuan Guru nampak tercengang. Di wajahnya nampak perasaan ragu-ragu. Saya katakan padanya “Bismillah saja Tuan Guru. Jangan ragu-ragu”.

Agak jarang saya bertemu Tuan Guru karena kesibukan kami masing-masing. Suatu ketika, tanggal 1 Muharram yang lalu, Tuan Guru menelpon saya mengajak saya datang ke Mataram. Dengan IMG_3764suka cita saya memenuhi ajakannya. PBB dan Nahdatul Wathan sama-sama punya hajatan menyelenggarakan tabligh akbar menyambut 1 Muharram. Dalam pidato saya dihadapan sekitar tujuh puluh ribu orang yang hadir, saya katakan bahwa PBB akan mencalonkan Tuan Guru Bajang menjadi Gubernur NTB. Saya mohon Keluarga Besar Bulan Bintang NTB mendukungnya. Mereka yang hadir sama-sama meneriakkan takbir. Sejak itu, Tuan Guru dan timnya sibuk melakukan pendekatan ke sana ke mari. Akhirnya PBB berkoalisi dengan PKS mencalonkan pasangan gubernur/wakil gubernur menghadapi calon yang didukung partai-partai lain: Golkar, PDIP, PPP, PAN dan beberapa partai lain.

Kampanye pasangan Tuan Guru Bajang dan Badrul Munir mendapat sambutan antusias masyarakat NTB. Dua minggu yang lalu, saya IMG_3776dengan Hamdan Zulfa datang ke Mataram untuk berkampanye. Para tokoh PKS, Dr. Hidayat Nurwahid dan Ir. Tifatul Sembiring juga hadir. Kami tampil di panggung untuk berpidato. Hidayat Nurwahid yang kini menjadi Ketua MPR, tidak berpidato. Saya sekali lagi mengajak hadirin kaum Muslimin untuk mendukung pasangan ini. Saya juga mengajak Umat Hindu NTB mendukung keduanya. Saya juga menegaskan bahwa kerjasama PBB dan PKS dalam pencalonan ini, harus dilanjutkan terus di masa-masa yang akan datang. PBB dan PKS adalah dua partai Islam yang mempunyai asas dan cita-cita yang sama. Kampanye terus berlanjut di seluruh pelosok NTB, sampai akhirnya pemilihan gubernur dan wakil gubernur itu berlangsung tanggal 7 Juli 2008.

Tuan Guru Bajang adalah gubernur keempat yang berasal dari PBB. Sebelumnya telah ada gubenur Bangka Belitung, Sumatera Barat dan Sumatera Utara. Anggota PBB juga akan maju dalam pemilihan IMG_3792Gubernur Riau dalam waktu yang tak terlalu lama. Di tempat-tempat lain, PBB berkoalisi dengan partai-partai lain mencalonkan pasangan gubernur dan wakil gubernur, tetapi mereka bukan anggota PBB. Fenomena ini bagi saya cukup menarik. PBB yang kecil suaranya dalam Pemilu DPR dan DPRD, namun dapat memenangi pencalonan gubernur di beberapa daerah, serta belasan bupati dan walikota. Dalam Pilpres 2004, SBY-JK sebenarnya awalnya hanya dicalonkan oleh tiga partai saja, yakni Partai Demokrat, PBB dan PKPI. Partai-partai lain yang kini beberapa menterinya di kabinet, baru bergabung mendukung SBY-JK di putaran kedua, setelah calon mereka kalah di putaran pertama. JK sendiri yang kemudian menjadi Ketua Umum Golkar, pada waktu itu sedang diskors dari keanggotaan partai itu.

Dalam setahun terakhir ini saya banyak turun ke daerah-daerah sampai ke kabupaten-kabupaten. Di Jakarta, saya mulai masuk kampung ke luar kampung untuk sosialisasi PBB. Saya ingin IMG_3766memperkuat posisi PBB sampai ke lapisan masyarakat yang paling bawah, agar cita-cita, program perjuangan dan perhatian PBB kepada rakyat, bangsa dan negara, dapat diketahui seluas-luasnya oleh masyarakat. Dalam Pemilu 2004, sebenarnya jumlah pemilih PBB meningkat tajam dibanding dengan Pemilu 1999. Namun sistem Pemilu kita berubah dengan keberadaan Dapil-Dapil, sehingga perlolehan kursi di DPR RI menjadi berkurang. Nomor Urut PBB dalam Pemilu, yakni Nomor 3 yang ada pada halaman depan surat suara, rupanya juga kurang menguntungkan. Di Jakarta saja, lebih 40.000 suara pemilih PBB dinyatakan tidak sah, karena pemilih enggan membuka kertas suara yang lebar itu. Mereka coblos saja gambar PBB yang ada di depan dan tembus ke belakang, sehingga suara menjadi tidak sah. Kini dengan nomor urut 27 dalam Pemilu 2009, mudah-mudahan kesalahan mencoblos — tetapi kini tidak nyoblos lagi karena sudah menggunakan ballpoint atau spidol — tidak terjadi lagi.

PBB kini tengah melakukan konsolidasi memperkuat posisi partai, di IMG_3784tengah 34 partai yang akan ikut Pemilu 2009. Kekalahan PBB dalam dua kali pemilu sebelumnya menjadi bahan pelajaran berharga bagi saya untuk memperkuat partai. Saya tak menyalahkan siapa-siapa jika dukungan terhadap PBB masih kecil. Saya harus melakukan introspeksi atas kelemahan-kelemahan internal partai yang memang terus-menerus kami benahi. PBB harus masuk ke kampung-kampung dan desa-desa agar partai ini lebih dikenal rakyat. Infrastruktur partai sebenarnya telah terbentuk sampai ke kecamatan di seluruh tanah air. Namun infrastruktur itu belum bekerja optimal. SDM kepemimpinan partai di segala lini harus diperkuat.

Walaupun perjuangan ini terasa berat, namun saya menyerukan kepada segenap jajaran pengurus PBB untuk giat bekerja, walau saya tahu, mereka harus bekerja dengan modal seadanya. Dari segi pendanaan, PBB memang tidak ada apa-apanya. Meskipun demikian, semangat harus terus menyala, militansi perjuangan tidak boleh berkurang. Kemenangan Tuan Guru di NTB hendaknya membangkitkan semangat seluruh jajaran partai agar meneruskan perjuangan. Kita belum mati. Potensi kita masih ada dan cukup besar. Semuanya tergantung kepada kita sendiri, bagaimana mendayagunakan potensi itu. Insya Allah!

Wallahu’alam bissawwab

Sumber: web: Yusril Ihza Mahendra — July 9th, 2008

Selasa, 15 Juli 2008



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Senin, 14 Juli 2008



Jumat, 11 Juli 2008






Tuan Guru Bajang untuk Masa Depan NTB BARU
Ditulis pada Juli 7, 2008 oleh Badrut Tamam Gaffas

Salah satu agenda penting Bulan Bintang Media pada hari ini adalah mengikuti hasil Perhitungan Pilkada NTB, hasil akhir resmi dari KPUD tentu baru selesai dalam beberapa hari kedepan, karena itu menjadi menarik untuk mengikuti Quick Count Pilkada NTB di layar TV One yang dilakukan oleh Lingkaran Survey Indonesia (LSI), setidaknya data awal itulah yang bisa kita pergunakan untuk menggambarkan peta kekuatan masing-masing kandidat :
Kandidat Nomor Urut 1 - NAJA (Ir. H. Nanang Samodra KA, Msc - Muhammad Jabir, SH.MH) Didukung oleh Partai Demokrat, PAN ,PNUI, PSI, PKPB dengan persentase dukungan pencalonan 15.38 %, hasil perhitungan cepat LSI memperoleh dukungan pemilih 16,6 %
Kandidat Nomor urut 2 - BARU (TGKH.Zainul Majdi, MA – Ir. H. Badrul Munir, MM) Didukung oleh Partai Bulan Bintang dan PKS dengan Persentase dukungan pencalonan 21,81 %, hasil perhitungan cepat LSI memperoleh dukungan pemilih 37,06 %
Kandidat Nomor urut 3 - SERIUS (Drs. H.L. Serinata - H.M. Husni Djibril) Didukung oleh Partai Golkar, PDI Perjuangan, Partai Bintang Reformasi dan P. Patriot dengan Persentase dukungan pencalonan 49,07 %, hasil perhitungan cepat LSI memperoleh dukungan pemilih 28,68 %
Kandidat Nomor urut 4 - ZANUR (Dr. Zaini Arony, MPd - H. Nurdin Ranggabarani, SH. MH) Didukung oleh PPP dan PKB dengan Persentase dukungan pencalonan 16,36 %, hasil perhitungan cepat LSI memperoleh dukungan pemilih 17,67 %

Hasil perhitungan cepat hingga Pukul 17.00 WIB dengan sampel data TPS 99,38 % menunjukkan Pasangan BARU (Tuan Guru Bajang KH. M. Zainul Majdi MA dan Ir. H. Badrul Munir MM) yang didukung Dua Partai Islam yakni Partai Bulan Bintang dan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera memperoleh keunggulan sementara 37,06 % berbanding 28,68 % dari Pesaing terdekatnya (Incumbent Serinata – Husni Djibril). Sisi menarik dari Pilkada NTB ini adalah melemahnya dominasi Lalu Serinata yang didukung oleh dua partai sekaliber Golkar dan PDIP ditambah PBR dan Partai Patriot dengan akumulasi dukungan Pencalonan mencapai 49,07 %.

Gubernur Incumbent Lalu Serinata bisa jadi terbilang berhasil dalam memimpin NTB namun sayangnya tuntutan masyarakat yang sebenarnya jauh lebih besar dari itu, Masyarakat NTB sangat mendambakan sosok pemimpin yang benar – benar baru untuk membangun masa depan NTB Baru.

Kini Masa depan NTB Baru tidak sebatas lukisan indah di atas kertas, cita – cita perubahan bagi Masyarakat NTB semakin terpahat jelas. Kehadiran Pemimpin Baru seperti Tuan Guru Bajang seolah mampu memupuskan dahaga dan meletupkan asa masyarakat untuk berani bangkit dan berjuang bersama-sama merancang masa depan NTB Baru yang Agamis dan Berkemajuan.

Selamat Datang dan Selamat Berjuang Pemimpin Baru !!!

Baca Juga Tulisan Sebelumnya tentang Tuan Guru Bajang

(Ditulis oleh Badrut Tamam Gaffas untuk Bulan Bintang Media)




Lecturer : Hartoyo, Ph.D
Writer : Jasmansyah

In this writing I’d like to give some comments and compare four CD programs in English language teaching. After watching the whole of CD’s, I got the result of comparing for four programs. They are:
1. The strengths:
 It is good for preschooler
 It is fun and enjoyable
 The students can sing together because it is completed with the text
 It can drill the students’ pronunciations
 It can drill the students’ listening skill
 It can be an alternative media in teaching
2. The weaknesses:
 The setting is only indoor
 It will be boring if the song is played more than three times
 The background pictures/slides and the person who sing is not matched.
1. The strengths:
 It is effective for elementary students because it is full color and simple to operate.
 It has many varieties of topics in many situations and conditions ( the alphabet, greeting, at the restaurant, shopping, getting around, at the hotel, on the phone, emergencies, leisure and business)
 It is good in organizing the steps because it is started with the example, speaking practice, speaking recording, dialogue practice, dialogue recording and follow up giving the games.
 The conversation is for secondary students
 It has many varieties of games (easy games and hard games)
 The result can be printed out
2. The weaknesses:
 The picture is not ‘alive’ (movable) and the topics are only the things
 There is not character alive
 There are long sentences which are hard to understand for elementary students
1. The strengths
 It is good for elementary school
 It is interesting because colorful and easy to use (the instruction is clear enough)
 It has many topics especially in daily life ( shopping, country, the first word, color, time, body etc) so the students can learn and understand easily
 The pronunciation is clear enough
 It is well organizing the steps because it is started with practice, recording, and follow up giving the games
 The games are in levels (easy games and hard games)
 The result can be printed out
2. The weaknesses:
 The character is not alive so, sometimes it is boring
 There is no “surprise” in this program (no song for finishing the term)
1. The strengths:
 It is effective for senior high school
 It is clear instruction so easy to use
 It is complete (this program is created to four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, vocabularies, grammar and there is also syllabus of teaching)
 There are several people who come from many countries with different information and pronunciation for telling the story
 There are a vary of topics such as animal rights, discrimination, euthanasia, growing old, gambling, public transportation
 It can be operated in Winamp
 There is reward for the students who get the right answer
 It is attractive for the students
2. The weaknesses:
 The characters are not movable widely, we only see their faces and gesture
 It is no colorful (just grey)
 There are many menus so the students can get tired to study
In conclusion, I think all of CDS are good and useful for teaching English because they have more advantages than disadvantages and they will become our challenge to repair and develop. They can help teachers and also students in English learning class. So, the teachers will be easier and more enjoyable in teaching English, and students can learn more enjoyable, and the material will be more interesting for learners. As a result, the material that teachers convey to the students will be more understandable by students.


Writer: Alfian

This book originates from a dissertation of Alfian (student of doctoral program), which he submitted to the university of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, as partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Ph.D degree in political science, entitled: Islamic modernism in Indonesian politics, the Muhammadiyah movement during the Dutch Colonial period 91912-1942). An then, the writer adopted the dissertation and published in a book entitled: Muhammadiyah: The political Behavior of a Muslim modernist organization under Dutch Colonialism. This book was published by Gajah Mada University Press 1989. This book consist of seven chapters + bibliography and Glossary.
In the first chapter, the writer tried to explain the reason in conducting this research.
1. This thesis deems it necessary to find out what kinds of roles seemed to have been played by Muhammadiyah during the period of this study;
2. This study was intended to assess and analyze them carefully, that is, to figure out how Muhammadiyah carried out these roles at that particular time and place;
3. With this assessment and analysis it hoped that this thesis will be able to offer a better understanding and explanation of the subject matter.
The writer highlighted the role of Muhammadiyah into three interrelated roles based on his study, they are: 1) Muhammadiyah as a religious reformist, 2) Muhammadiyah as agent and social change, and 3) Muhammadiyah as a political force. As religious reformist, Muhammadiyah aimed at purifying the Islamic faith by removing superstitious practices and traditional admixtures. As agent and social change, Muhammadiyah aimed at modernizing the Indonesian Muslim community in order to lift it up from its backwardness to a place of respectability in the modern world. And Muhammadiyah as a political force could be analyzed from: 1) the philosophical view of Islam as it seemed to have been adopted by Muhammadiyah, and 2) the development of Muhammadiyah as major interest group in Indonesian politics.
In the 2nd chapter will show an overview of the position of Islam in Indonesian politics during the last forty years of Dutch colonial rule. In chapter 3 will discuss the birth and growth of Islamic modernism in Indonesia in which certain attempts will be made to clarify the essence of its ideas and its eventual rise. The heart of this study would be in chapter IV, V and VI where Muhammadiyah will be closely examined and analyzed. Finally, an effort will be made to recapitulate the findings of the study in a concluding chapter (chapter VII).

In this part the writer tried to explore the existence of Islam in Indonesian politics. The birth of Muhammadiyah movement in 1912 was to preceded abd accompanied by a number important events which were to condition the role of Islam , and for that matter of Muhammadiyah itself, in Indonesian politics during the last for decades of Dutch colonial rule.
From 1912 up to the closing year of Dutch colonial rule in 1942, Indopnesian politics was to be characterized by an intensified struggle between nationalism and colonialism, which was to cause the progressive abandonment of the ethical policy. Replacing the reform characteristics of the ethical policy, the Dutch were to implement a policy “Rust and Orde” (Tranquility and Order), a policy which was to closely watch every activity and movement of the indigenous people. Yet, the seed of nationalism, as the most important but also unwanted result of colonialism itself, was never destroyed.
In such a political situation Islam was yet to play an important role. Interestingly enough, the first truly Indonesian political mass movement, which was to show the seriousness of Indonesian nationalism for the first time, was that of an Islam based movement of Syarikat Islam (Islam League). Since the early 1920’s, however, SI was gradually declining, while, subsequently the non Islam based parties began to dominate the course of the Indonesian nationalist movement. At the same time, the Indonesian Muslim community was also experiencing an internal crisis which developed into a situation characterized by serious friction within itself. Divided as it was though, the Muslim community remained faithful to Indonesian nationalist by maintaining the position as its inner part.
In the 18th century, Indonesian Islam was to receive fresh impetus from increasing contact with the Islamic centers in the Middle East. Every year thousands of Indonesian Muslims were to embark on the Mecca pilgrimage and return home as hadjis. Some of the stayed and studied there, as mukimins, for extended periods of time and when they returned home as bearers of orthodox teachings they were gradually displacing the mysticism and syncretism prevalent in Indonesian Islam at that time.

In this part, the writer tried to explain and consider the origins, the birth and the development of Islamic modernism in Indonesia, as a factor which has been neglected by Snouck Hurgronje (hereafter: SH), and which consequently was partly responsible for the failure of his Islamic policy. If one tries to observe very closely, Islam in Indonesia had always been in continuous process of change from the day it was first brought there centuries ago. The birth and the development of Islam was indeed further continuation of this process of change. Nevertheless, it had its own particular characteristics which differentiated it from the earlier processes of change.
The birth and eventual rise of Islamic modernism had become one of the major phenomena in Indonesian politics. It had partly contributed to the apparent failure of the Dutch Islamic policy, a policy which was designed to curb the socio-cultural influence of Islam in Indonesian society. As such, it appeared to have questioned the validity of the theory of its architect, Snouck Hurgronje. Our understanding of this point at the outset might help us to ease our way in considering the primary concern of this chapter, that is closely examine the origins and growth of Indonesian Islamic modernism.
The importance of modernism to the Indonesian Muslim community as a whole was that it was to expound and insist that the true meaning of Islam could not be limited to ubudiyah matter only, but it also covered the earthly matters-social, economic and political aspect. Not only that, all these heavenly and worldly matters were also interrelated and inseparable. Therefore, Islam was more than a religion, as it commonly defined, it was also a way of life and perfect way of life.
The significance success of Islamic modernism, or if you wish Islamic renaissance, in Indonesia was no nullify Snouck Hurgronje’s conception of Islam which he had used as the basis of his Islamic policy. Interestingly enough, the birth and the growth of this Islamic modernism was partly due to one of the ubudiyah matters, pilgrimage to Mecca, which was given the complete freedom by SH himself.
The birth and development of Islamic modernism in Indonesia was a direct reaction against what the writer has just discussed as the decadence of Islam as religion and the backwardness of its followers. As such, they were to serve as its first two major causes: while the surge of western intellectual, cultural and political invasion and the penetration of the ideas of Islamic modernism from abroad, especially those which came from Egypt, were to become its third and fourth factor.

This part and the next part of this book, the writer attempted to assess and analyze the role of Muhammadiyah in the process of socio-political change and development in Indonesia from the date of its birth 1912 – 1942.
The formative year of Muhammadiyah could best be described its “slow but sure” way in spreading its ideas, in achieving some of its goals, and in establishing the foundation for its future progress. This was not only due to the novelty of ideas and goals, but also because the society, the Javanese society of Jogja, in which it was the first born and within it was allowed to operate by the Dutch colonial government for the large part of formative period, was culturally, socially, politically and old and well established one. In a addition to that, a Moslem organization it was to be overshadowed by the striking progress of SI, while as a socio-educational movement it was forced to complete with Budi Utomo which has already had a historical advantage in being the first modern association of the indigenous population. Furthermore, although the surge of western civilization, both secular and Christian, was making a significant impact, it was still at its early stage –thus, too early for the Muslims to be able to realize its ultimate dangers. Yet, the perseverance of Kiai Ahmad Dahlan and a few of his closest friends was to be paid off handsomely by their eventual success in building the infrastructure of the movement, thereby enabling his successors to continue his job with remarkable progress afterwards.

In this period (1924-1933) was probably the most exciting stage in the life of Muhammadiyah movement during the Dutch colonial rule. It was the first place characterized by the rapid rise of the movement all over the Indonesian archipelago, making it the largest and the most widely spread Muslim modernist movement in the colony. Secondly, this rapid rise, interestingly, enough, was to be accompanied by a variety of problems faced by the movement, making this period the years of trial for the highly spirited Muhammadiyah.
In this part, the writer tried to explore the development of Muhammadiyah time to time in every island and province in Indonesia. He started from the development of Muhammadiyah in Java. The development of Muhammadiyah in Java was by and large a fairly significant achievement it itself, in spite of the fact it had no through such an uneasy road to reach it. Through these years of trial and rapid growth Muhammadiyah was to come out a well seasoned and mature movement at the end.
In many ways this period was markedly different for Muhammadiyah in Java in comparison to the formative years under Dahlan. The seemingly extreme tolerance shown by the movement toward the Christians was to be drastically changed as Muhammadiyah was to become more sensitive about other beliefs and political ideologies which it considered harmful or inimical to Islam and to its own growth. It was to become firmly anti-communist as it was to become furious when anyone tried to criticize, discredit or allegedly slander the religion.
In role as agent of social change was also increased as could be seen from the expansion of its school and other social activities were still far behind those of the Christian Mission and undoubtedly behind those of the government itself. Nevertheless, the ability of Muhammadiyah to expand its educational and social activities in accordance with and parallel to its organizational growth was to further affirm its grip on Javanese society. As a result, this and its tabligh and other activities its publication were to be largely responsible in shaping its role as an importance force in the society.
In term of the development of Muhammadiyah in Java and Madura, the writer mentioned the number of Muhammadiyah’s branches increasing rapidly. In 1923, there was 15 places (Java and Madura) increased become 51 branches and groups in 1926, and became 153 brances and group in 1932. According to the source, this list was incomplete since it claimed that Muhammadiyahhad a total 437 branches and groups in that year. By June 1933 it had again increased its branches and groups to 557. from the 283 branches and group listed in 1932, Muhammadiyah claimed to have a total membership of 44, 879, the majority from Java.

The significance of Muhammadiyah in Indonesian politics
There is little doubt that Muhammadiyah had succeeded in making itself one of the landmarks in the political history of Indonesia. Its actual significance appeared to have been that of being the major force behind the ideas of Islamic modernism, the ideas which seemed to have partly contributed to the preservation of Islam as one of the important elements in Indonesian politics. Such a significance could be partly explained by understanding the problems faced by Indonesian Islam and its followers.
It was under such conditions that Islam entered modern Indonesian politics of the twentieth century, the situational logic of which was unfavorable to the faith. Firstly, Islam faced the inherent political threat from the Dutch largely due to the their negative attitude toward it. Secondly, there was the surge of new and modern political ideologist and even religious. The enactment of the ethical policy at the values and religions-secularism and Christianity- into the society, largely through the acceleration of western education and increasing missionary works. Although the surge of western civilization had eventually brought the ironic bitter fruit of nationalism to the ethical policy, at least, in part, it had succeeded to further alienate the members of the traditional establishment, from the nominal religion as they strongly professed a secular view of religious matter.
Thirdly, while facing these and other external threats Islam in Indonesia was also experiencing a continuous internal problem of diversity which had divided the Indonesian Muslims into various factions a could be seen in various organization and movement blooming all over the colony.

The varying behavior of Muhammadiyah in Indonesian Politics
In this part of conclusion, the writer tried to examine and evaluate the behavior of Muhammadiyah in achieving a place of importance in Indonesian politics. It was found that the major characteristics of its behavior was its apparent diversity. Speaking in term of coclony-wide behavior we found it changing from time to time as the general situational logic of Indonesian politics and Muhammadiyah’s significance on it also changed.
Speaking colony-wide, the behavior of Muhammadiyah could be differentiated into at least three variations:
1. There was its apparent attitude of anti-establishment –Dutch and native alike- or, if you wish, anti coclonialism. This behavior was largely caused by the inherent negative attitude of the colonial establishment toward Islam. Consequently, from the beginning Muhammadiyah appeared to have sided with modern Indonesian nationalism.
2. There was within the Indonesian nationalist movement. Here it was characterized by its strong sensitivity as it was to take Islam as its political belief. Doe to this, Muhammadiyah couldn’t take for granted any criticism, or insult on the faith. Consequently, this had apparently brought Muhammadiyah to oppose other ideologies and religious such as communism, Western secular nationalism, traditional revivalism, and Christianity, which Muhammadiyah often found to have discredited Islam as a viable political ideology.
3. The rise of Muhammadiyah to take an active and independent course of action within the Indonesian Muslim community. Its eventual split with Syarekat Islam (SI) was largely due to this apparent rise of the sense of independence as the movement began to spread widely. One of the reason for the split was Muhammadiyah’s refusal to follow SI’s radical policy of non-cooperation with the Dutch. Another one was the seeming fact that many Muhammadiyah leaders who had played an active role in SI often felt that they were much superior on religious matters than their non-Muhammadiyah counterpart.
Observing the behavior of Muhamadiyah from one region to another, it was found that its diversity as even more apparent. It appeared, for instance, that Muhammadiyah Minangkabau was more politically inclined and ideologically militant than Muhammadiyah Java. Muhammadiyah Minangkabau and its Hadji rasul had directly and openly confronted the colonial regime by staging an all Minagkabau Ulama conference in 1928for the sole purpose of rejecting the unpopular Goeroe Ordonantie. The confrontation, which was undoubtedly political, was successful as the Dutch were forced to suspend the implementation of the Ordonnantie in Minagkabau.

The content of this book is very good for those who want to know lot about the process of Muhammadiyah’s birth, the development of Muhammdiyah, and some figures who largely contribute to the establishment of Muhammadiyah. The writer of this book (Alfian) divided the explanation of this book into some parts (chapters). Each chapter contains specific issues. So, the reader would be directed to the specific issues that happened in the past, and would be easier to find what the reader wants to know from the book. The role of Muhammadiyah as Islamic organization and its contribution against colonialism is the central issues in this book. By reading this book, the reader will be brought the era that happened along time ago. The era in which our country struggled to be independent country against some colonialisms. The role of some mass organization including Muhammadiyah in the war against colonialism was very important part to realize the independence of Indonesia. Beside the contribution of Muhammadiyah in the struggle era, some figures and also founding fathers of Muhammadiyah are explained in details in this book.
This scientific is scientific book (dissertation of writer), since it was written through long process of research by a Doctoral student (Ph.D) who studied in USA. Mr. Alfian explained and showed us the facts, how importance of Muhammadiyah’s role in term of defenses this country from the colonialism. He wrote in details with the real facts that he met during the process of research.
Hopefully, this book can be translated into Indonesia, in order to be readable and understandable by entire people in Indonesia. It is important since most Indonesian people do not understand yet the English orally or written. By translating into Indonesia, Indonesian people are expected read this book and they can also find the struggling spirit of Indonesian heroes against colonialism.

Reviewer: Jasmansyah